Sunday 28 September 2008

The Story of David the Butcher Boy

Once upon a time, in a place not all that far from where you live, was a village called Felbon. You may have heard of it and you may have been there. Felbon is a very small village with only a few families who live there. Among them was a family with the last name ‘Peach’. Remember this family, as this is the family this story will be about.

Now, along with the few families who lived there, there was also a butchers shop and it is this butchers shop I will be basing this story. The butchers shop was not very large, but rather small, with only two counters; one for meat and one for cheese and bread. Now, if you will kindly remember back to the family with the last name ‘Peach’ and I will tell you about their family and how they lived in this very butchers shop.

Firstly, there was Daddy Peach and he used to cut meat but nowadays mostly dealt with the complicated things like money.

Then, there was Mummy Peach and she was big and strong and handsome and all the men loved her and thought her very beautiful.

Simon Peach was big and strong like Mummy. He didn’t have a lot of hair and he always wore chequered shirts and silly ties.

David Peach was the specialist Peach and it is David Peach this story will be focusing on.

David was a little man who looked a lot like his brother in that he didn’t have very much hair and always wore chequered shirts and silly ties.


Once upon a time in Peach’s butcher shop, David was bored.
“Mummy, I’m bored” David cried.
“Here, David” said his mummy, “take this plate of sausages round to the cheese and bread counter.” David, being the good boy he was, didn’t want to say that he didn’t want to do something boring like that, so he did as he was told and took the plate in both hands. As he left the shelter of the meat counter, he noticed a new face behind the cheese and bread counter. A suspicious new face.
David decided he didn’t like this new visitor, whoever he was. Why should this new visitor be allowed to serve customers when he, David, was 45 and still not allowed?
“Hello, you must be David,” said the suspicious new face.
David didn’t return the greeting in case it was a trick, so he carefully slid the plate of sausages onto the counter.
“Thank you, David,” the suspicious new face said with a smile.
“Who are you?” David asked.
“Well, I’m Steve” said Steve.
“Oh,” replied David.
“Would you like a maple and pecan slice?” asked Steve.
“No,” said David, taking three.
“Are those for Mummy?”
David padded softly back to the meat counter, the maple and pecan slices tucked safely in his butchers pouch.
“Shut up, will you?”
“Oh, look, I’m Simon!”
“I do not have my sleeves like that!”
“I have big muscles and I’m all strong.”
“Stop it! My arms don’t fit properly, these sleeves are too small.”
“My arms are too muscular for sleeves!”
David was shocked. There were some men behind his counter.

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